Thursday 11 December 2008

Another beautiful winter day

Crop updates

On Saturday I went to the allotment again... as my work is getting busier and busier, and the weekdays are so full, I have almost forgotten what I did!!! But I remember having a very good time.

I heard that I would not get my autumn onions after all, because the supplier made a mistake in the ordering process so they were lined up for autumn 2009 instead of autumn 2008 (funny mistake...) but I was too tired to get angry.

There was no sign of any mushrooms, I planted some Winter Gem lettuce in the greenhouse: when the seedlings are strong enough I plan to move them to my fleece tent outside - no major damage for the wind, so it should be fine.
I also got cuttings from redcurrant and gooseberry to transplant (branches actually root if they touch the ground), which made me feel as I had actually achieved something. :)

Today I received some more raspberries, red (Autumn Bliss) and yellow (Allgold) varieties, which means I have my weekend work laid out for me!!! It feels good as soft fruit have been a satisfactory crop, so I am quite excited about getting more. Weather is going to be awful, though...

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