Friday 19 July 2013

6 weeks to go: down the memory lane (Week 15, Friday)

It's one week I have been back to the beds and I managed to bring the weeds back under control. Just to check that was the case, I did a complete round of the beds, picking the last bits here and there and moving some of the sprinklers (thanks goodness, it's two of us and my colleague has done the most part of the watering this week).

What to say, it has been a rather emotional round. going through all the areas where I have done big jobs, rejuvenating and cutting back shrubs that are now in shape and thriving was a great feeling: I can spot the difference my work made!

The very first Rubus I worked on when I arrived, with my colleague Lee, at the time and now...

Before we worked on it

After working on it


The beautiful Rubus caucasicus with nasty spines at the time and now...

Before working on it

After working on it
And even the straggling Rubus coreanus, that looked like it might have a virus, but I fed with chicken pellets on advice of a colleague, has sent out some rather healthy shoots!

Leaves with mottling
Healthy new shoots and leaves

Last, but not least, since I have only mentioned Rubus after Rubus, I will make space for the puny Neillia that had been surrounded by competitor plants: it has suffered in the drought and consequently some leaves died, but it's doing otherwise well!

Before working on it
After working on it
Of course they are not all, many more plants fill my memories and I am also delighted to report that the bindweed I digged out from under the Pyracantha coccinea, rhizome by rhizome, does not seem to have the strength to come out yet, and that the ground elder I digged from around the Rubus allegheniensis is only just attempting a comeback, with me breathing down its neck...

This trip down memory lane has also reminded me, however, that there is so much more to do and only 5 weeks to go now... Still I can't imagine how it will be like not to be here every day any more!

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